15 Dogs Who Are Bibliophiles

Dogs wish to read. Fact. Didn’t know that? Well, let us prove it to you.

1. Reading is fundamental.

2. That TBR pile gets big.

3. Reading is more pleasurable with a pal.

4. “Trying to understand humans. They can be weird.”

5. Reading glasses? ON.

6. Sometimes you gotta read the hard stuff.

7. Gotta read something before foundation. Always.

8. “What a fascinating e book.”

9. “I love murder mysteries.”

10. “I’m learning a whole lot.”

11. “This is very educational.”

12. When you see yourself in the publication you’re reading.

13. “Take me to Narnia.”

14. “Yes, I’m enjoying this quite definitely. Thank you for asking.”

15. Concerning this reserve on another level.

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