13 Times German Shepherd Puppies Proved They’re The Best

We already know that German Shepherds are one of the best breeds in the world. But did you know GS puppies are some of the cutest puppies to ever exist?

Scroll down discover 17 German Shepherd puppies proved they’re the absolute best.

1. “Who’s up for swimming?”

2. “Catch me later.”

3. “Another photo… Really?”

4. Can you spot the puppy?

5. So squishy.

6. Oh sorry, this is actually Husky/German Shepherd puppy…

7. “Do I have something on my face?”

8. “The baddie? He went that-a-way.”

9. “Not quite sure what you’re saying but if treats are involved I’m in…”

10. “Hey human, this fence is an epic fail!”

11. “I agree human. I AM incredibly cute.”

12. GS pups have got attitude…

13. They make the cutest police puppies

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